Espresso Myself

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Pet Peeves & Unpopular Opinions Continued

Hello, my friends, it’s been a minute. Life has a tendency to get away from us sometimes, doesn’t it?

Anyway, I’d say happy Monday, but that would go against my very nature as a person because #IHATEMONDAYS. And speaking of things I hate, today I thought I’d relive two topics that you all seemed to love the last time I did them in My Unpopular Opinions & 52 Things That Top My Pet Peeves List. These, by far and away, have been the most successful posts on my blog to date. So, why not continue my already extensive lists, because we all know I’m capable.

Pet Peeves

  1. People who disagree to be uniquely different or special or to get a shock reaction. Just STFU, no one asked you, believes you, or cares. #nooffense

  2. When my feet are too warm. My day is full-on derailed if my foot temperature raises beyond my comfort level. Call me weird, but I think if you really think about it, you can probably relate.

  3. When I call someone and they decline the call and text me instead. *eye roll*

  4. Fans or AC blowing on me. Just no.

  5. Sweating - even the tiniest amount makes me crazy. The worst feeling the world to me is breaking a sweat - hence my more-than-sedentary life.

  6. Phone-obsessed people. Learn to live without your devices for at least the length of a meal or a conversation. The rudeness of some people seriously knows NO BOUNDS.

  7. When a coffee shop - and this part is key because it has to be a place that specializes IN COFFEE - over roasts the beans or serves generally bitter and unpleasant coffee. Like, c’mon, you have one job.

  8. When you get asked a question or volunteer information about yourself to someone, only to have them somehow relate it back to themselves and segue the conversation to be all about them. Especially when they don’t even acknowledge what you said in the first place. Why bother even talk?

  9. People who tap their fingers or shake their legs. No. Stop. Sit still. Good doggie.

  10. When something that I’ve thought was cool or have been into for some time becomes popular. I get very territorial about this stuff - damn it, it was my thing first!

Unpopular Opinions

  1. I don't enjoy pumpkin Spice ANYTHING. Basic as I may be, pumpkin flavoring makes me want to die.

  2. Donuts should not be filled - ever. Keep your cream, custard, and jam away from my fried circular loves.

  3. I hate Sundays - so many people find them to be relaxing and one of the two best days of the week, but to me, Sunday is just a reminder that Monday is on the horizon.

  4. Canned meat and cheese are the BOMB. You give me a can of Spam, a can of Vienna Sausages, and a can of spray cheese and I can eat for a week.

  5. I can't stand Christmas or the Christmas season in general. The annoying music, the phony people with "jolly" spirits, and the commercialism - it's all too much. Give me candy and Halloween any day, thank you very much. This year more than ever I feel like as soon as we passed October 31st, it was the Xmas flood gates opened and now there’s no going back until the new year. UGH!

  6. Chocolate sauce, fruit, and nuts ruin a dessert the same way that most condiments (with the exception of hot sauce) take away from a dish. This is definitely a case where keep it simple applies.

  7. I don’t dig leather unless it’s a purse or shoes we are talking about - and even then I’d prefer suede (which I know is a form of leather, but I’m referring to the traditional type). You can keep your leather clothes, couches, and car seats, I’ll pass on the sticking, sweating, chafing, and sliding that comes with sitting on and wearing this horrific material. It might look great, but it’s just not worth the fuss.

  8. I’m pro a double denim moment. Ask anyone who knows me in a real-life, I’m the first person to wear a denim on denim outfit. I feel like a Guess model and no haters are gonna stop me.

  9. I don’t enjoy going to the movies. I get cold, bored, and motion sick. I’ll wait for whatever it is to show up on Netflix or I’ll just pass on it altogether.

  10. Boneless wings are far superior to traditional. Say what you want about the meat quality, all I care about is the ease of consumption.

There we are for round 2 - 20 more things that grind my gears beyond repair or set me apart from the rest. The world is an annoying and sometimes un-relatable place, I’m sure we can all agree. What really got under your skin today? What’s an un-popular belief that you hold to be true? Let us know below!

Write on, friends, let your freak (and sometimes irretating) flags fly.

See this gallery in the original post