Maybe, This Time, Popular Opinion is Right.

Maybe, This Time, Popular Opinion is Right.

I’ve never been one for fads. I know they pass and I have very little interest in being a follower. Especially when the fad goes against my very being. Like gaucho pants… I haven’t a clue who thought those were a good idea, but the thought of them still haunt me to this day. They just go to show that popular opinion is NOT always correct.

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The Tradition of Trudging For Trees

The Tradition of Trudging For Trees

In case it wasn’t already clear, I am not big into most holidays and anything holiday-spirit-esque.

We didn’t celebrate them when I was young and I just grew up with the mentality that Christmas and the like were more-or-less unnecessary expenses, wastes of time, and stress-causers.

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Because Nothing Says “I love you” Quite Like Swedish Meatballs and Flatpack Furniture.

Because Nothing Says “I love you” Quite Like Swedish Meatballs and Flatpack Furniture.

So, there’s this magical place that has everything you could ever need and some things you didn’t even know you wanted. It’s a colorful, exciting place that brings so many people joy. No, I’m not talking about Disney World or Santa’s Workshop. I’m referring to a place that you probably have not far from your own backyard. I’m referring to the Swedish masterpiece that is known as IKEA.

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Date Night's a Great Night at Sagebrush Cantina

Date Night's a Great Night at Sagebrush Cantina

It’s date night!

Every so often, Ethan and I head out on the town to unwind in the evening after a long day of work. We have plenty of favorite places, but when we’re feeling and famished and a little feisty, there’s only one place that’ll satisfy us: Sagebrush Cantina in Lake Orion.

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For Once, Having Skeletons Was a Good Thing

For Once, Having Skeletons Was a Good Thing

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. And the decorations are my absolute favorite part.

Date night a few weeks back brought Ethan and I to a small-town in Eastern Michigan which boasts a celebration of skeletons for the month of October, called The Skeletons Are Alive!

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A Haunting Halloween at The Whitney Mansion

A Haunting Halloween at The Whitney Mansion

I love everything about Halloween - the mounds of sugary candy, the extravagant decorations, and the avant-garde costumes! It’s all just extra AF. I can barely contain my excitement for October 31st to roll around. I started decorating our apartment with haunted purple and orange trees and wreaths with lights and ghosts in early September!

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Reliving Red Flannel Day

Reliving Red Flannel Day

I don’t often talk about my past - including where I’m from. It’s not that I’m ashamed of what’s behind me and what got me where I am today, I guess I just don’t often see the relevance in brining it up.

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I Suppose I Just Have To Put My Waders On One Leg at a Time.

I Suppose I Just Have To Put My Waders On One Leg at a Time.

They say that when you're in a relationship with someone, you should try and take an interest in what they are interested in. Well, I don't know who "they" are, but because of them, I'm learning to fly fish. You read that right; I've been putting on waders and trudging through knee-high Michigan rivers in search of little fly-nibbling Trout. I'm just as stunned as you are, maybe more.

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Blog On

Blog On

I, like many millennials out there have my own website. Partially for exposure when it comes to applications and networking, partially because it gives me a creative outlet to write and design, and partially just for vanity. I mean, I'm only human.

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A Letter to Dreamers: Forget the Road Less Traveled and Blaze Your Own Path.

A Letter to Dreamers: Forget the Road Less Traveled and Blaze Your Own Path.

Four years ago, I was beginning to make decisions that would change my life forever. Four years ago, today seemed like an eternity away. Four years ago, I had wide eyes and ambitions as great as the day is long. Four years ago, was my senior year in high school.

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