50 Facts About Me


I’m always up for a good challenge – even if it’s me that’s initiating it.

I’ve realized over time that writing is good for my soul. I get immense amounts of enjoyment out of spilling my feelings in text, even if I’m the only one who reads them. So, for the good of my mental health, and for the sake of cleaning up my list of #blogpost ideas that’s reached over 100, I’ve decided to challenge myself to write 50 new posts before January 1st of 2019. So, let the therapeutic self-expression commence.

I’ve seen this done on other blogs that I admire, and as it’s an easy place to start, I thought I’d give the #50FactsAboutMe tag a try. They say you learn something new every day, why not have your new things for the day be about me? *obvious wink*

So, without further ado, here’s 50 things I know to be true about myself (as of October 1, 2018), for your reading and learning pleasure:

  1. I’m in my mid-twenties.

  2. I’m from Cedar Springs, Michigan.

  3. I work in digital marketing.

  4. I’m a dirty blonde.

  5. I have a wonderful partner who I truly cherish and love named James.

  6. My parents, Bill and Susan, are still alive and well and two of my best friends.

  7. I have a perfect BFF named Nicole.

  8. I crave Taco Bell on the daily.

  9. I have never tried Nutella.

  10. I am a famously picky eater.

  11. My favorite holiday is Halloween.

  12. I have attended school at 5 universities in 3 countries.

  13. My favorite place in the world is Edinburgh, Scotland.

  14. I am straight.

  15. I am 5’2”.

  16. I love frozen yogurt.

  17. I drive a Mini Cooper S named Mo.

  18. I live in Northern Florida.

  19. My favorite store is Abercrombie and Fitch, and always has been.

  20. I couldn’t live without Starbucks, or my #goldcard.

  21. I am a Harry Potter fangirl.

  22. I aspire to get my PhD someday – hopefully sooner than later.

  23. I have had pet chinchillas for much of my life.

  24. I have passions for traveling, coffee, music, education, and writing.

  25. I spent an entire summer working in an automotive factory when I was 22.

  26. I have climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

  27. I have sipped cocktails on the beach in Monaco.

  28. I believe in ghosts and magic.

  29. I am not religious.

  30. I have been hit by a car and I nearly drowned when I was younger.

  31. I got glasses and braces at the same time, as an adult.

  32. When I was in high school, I was a state-ranked choral singer.

  33. I’ve visited more than a dozen countries and 20 states, including my own.

  34. My favorite book is “Oh, The Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss.

  35. My favorite band has always been Fall Out Boy, who I’ve seen in concert many times.

  36. I’m right-handed, except when I shoot pool and fly-fish.

  37. My biggest fears are death, the dark, thunder, worms, snakes, and cacti.

  38. I typically get, and function well on, far less sleep than the recommended amount.

  39. My favorite animal is a cow, specifically the Scottish Highland variety.

  40. My dream job is to be a college professor.

  41. My dream car is a Bentley Continental.

  42. I don’t like chocolate.

  43. I have never seen Friends.

  44. Before I die, I want to see at least 100 countries.

  45. I love British television and would choose to watch the shows over US shows any day.

  46. I feel lonely often.

  47. Swearing is my guilty pleasure.

  48. I suffer from tension headaches and health anxiety.

  49. I am a new feminist and a long-term LGBTQ ally.

  50. I am still learning new things to add to this list every day.
